
Roof Pricing

What goes into the price of a new roof?

Well, actually roofing is a simple endeavor, and thus the pricing is fairly simple. When I give you an estimate for a new roof, my pricing is very clear and transparent so you know exactly what you are paying for. The price is based on three elements: Materials, Labor, and Overhead.


The cost of 100 square feet of asphalt shingles is approximately $115. Add to that underlayment, drip edge, nails, staples, venting, trash removal, etc. and your price for materials is about $210 per 100 square feet of roof.


I categorize roofs as easy, medium, and hard. Easy roofs cost approximately $160 per 100 square feet. Medium and harder roofs take more time, and thus cost more. What makes a roof harded is the pitch of the roof, the number of sections that the roof is divided into, and the difficulty of the clean-up (landscaping, etc.)


This is where you will save money with me as compared to the bigger companies. Since I work alone my overhead is low, and I pass this savings on to my customers. You still get the same warranty (material and labor) that you would with the bigger companies.